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문 대통령, '조만간 남북.북미간 대화 재개될 것이라 믿어'Our starting point is President Moon Jae-in's latest diplomacy tour.Over in Helsink...
President Moon Jae-in is in Singapore for a slew of meetings with leaders from the ASEAN region.Official say they expect the South Korean leader to tout the ben...
President Moon Jae-in is in Singapore for a slew of meetings with leaders from the ASEAN region.Official say they expect the South Korean leader to tout the ben...
President Moon Jae-in is in Singapore for a slew of meetings with leaders from the ASEAN region.Official say they expect the South Korean leader to tout the ben...
문 대통령, 2차 북미회담은 중대 전환점…평화시대 더 가까워져"President Moon Jae-in highlighted the importance of the upcoming North Kore...